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You are fighting a Pickpocket.

You surprise a pickpocket who is trying to pick your ... er ... pocket. He appears unarmed, but wary.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • The pickpocket whips a baseball out of his pouch and clonks you with it. To add insult to injury, the ball rolls back to the pickpocket, who picks it up and pockets it.

He hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! He hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • The pickpocket charges you, but trips on one of his shoelaces and goes sprawling.
  • The pickpocket aims for your pocket but picks your nose instead. Disgusting, but not so painful.
  • You're caught unawares as he swiftly and artfully pocks your picket ... which doesn't do all that much.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! He takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

Chips-white.gif You gain 19-23 chips.

You gain 2-4 experience.

You got an item: baseball Baseball.gif (Unspecified Drop rate)
You got an item: sneakers Sneakers.gif (Unspecified Drop rate)

Known resistances/weaknesses




  • Special message if you kill yourself by a fumble:
You beat yourself up, and have lost the battle. Your foe walks away laughing, but only after he picks your pocket.
  • Has an especially high dodge and an especially low to-hit for his level.