Hero's Cape

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No hero is properly outfitted until they have a cape. Though technically subordinate to the talisman in terms of giving a hero super powers, the cape is perhaps the defining visual characteristic. It advertises clearly to everyone around you, "This is no average schmoe in funny clothes, this is a Hero."

Besides the visual effect, this cape keeps you warm on cold desert nights and has a surprising amount of storage space built into the lining.

Note: cape is not necessarily the same color as pictured. Actual cape color my vary to suit your outfit, mood, or whatever mental picture you have of yourself. It's a damn good cape.

Item cannot be auto-sold

+20% item drops
Regenerates PP as a function of level (currently +x PP per turn)

Drop Locations

Can be bought for 10 silver stars at The Wok of Stars


The exact formula for the item's PP regeneration is currently unknown