Lost toy

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Item Number: 376
Description ID: 5851255
(view in-game)


lost toy
Plural: Unknown
This appears to be a child's toy. It looks like it's been around for a while and is heavily used: the paint is scratched and faded, there's dried sand wedged in the wheel treads, and a couple of sets of initials are painted on the underside. Somewhere out there a sandbox is empty tonight.

Miscellaneous Item

Autosell value: 5


How Obtained


How Obtained

A player is given this from the Pouch of Many Lost Things.


This was one of your favorite toys, back when you were a little kid. Ah, weren't those the good days? Life was simple, everyone was nice to you. And weren't you heartbroken when you lost this thing? Wasn't it just a foreshadowing of the time you lost your first love? Hm. There's a lot wrapped up in this little toy. You get an effect, Waxing Nostalgic. (Added for 60 minutes.)

When Returned

(where [person] is the character you return the lost toy to)

[person] sheds a tear of joy when you give them the lost toy. You buff [person] with Waxing Nostalgic.

You feel really good about giving back that lost item. The smile on [person]'s face just made your day. It gives you a nice, warm feeling. You get an effect, Toasty Heart. (Added for 30 minutes.)