Current Stats
This is the port where they keep all the boards with stars on it. The boards are updated once every evening. Today's stars include:
PvP Rank
Rank |
Name |
After all of the other hero-related boards, you see one last empty board. This board is absolutely huge, easily three times as big as the other leaderboards, and it's ringed around the border by a series of artfully decorated snowflakes. A man with slicked-back dark hair is sitting at the base of the board, leaning against one of the posts, chewing on a long piece of straw.
As you approach, he says, "Have I got an opportunity for you! This here is the snowflake board. It's the most special board of them all. Only the most deserving hero gets to be on it, and it will proclaim your special qualities to all who see it. Now, you look like a pretty deserving person. How would you like to see your name up there among the snowflakes? Now, there's a small materials fee involved, just to cover the cost of the paint and the paper, mind you. I can tell you deserve to be up there, and I wouldn't dream of profiting from it. I've just got to break even, you see. But for the low, low price of just, lessee, I think X chips would cover it, you'll get all the recognition you deserve. Whaddya say, pardner?"
Pay the X to have your name up on the big board
Snowflake Leaderboard
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime Stats
This is the port where they keep all the boards with stars on it. The boards are updated once every evening. Today's stars include:
Lifetime XP
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime Intellect
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime HP
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime Flight Points from VR Center
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime Sports Points from VR Center
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime S.U.I.T. Points
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime PvP Rank
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime Strength
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime Reflexes
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime PP
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime Empire Points from VR Center
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime Wins in Sector 7-Gamma
Rank |
Name |
Lifetime ASX Chips
Rank |
Name |
Retcon: Last 60 Days - Runs with No Items Restrictions
This is the port where they keep all the boards with stars on it. The boards are updated once every evening. Today's stars include:
Most Retcons: Bracket Sundown (1-4)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Dusk (5-9)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Midnight (10-14)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Sundown (1-4)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Dusk (5-9)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Midnight (10-14)
Rank |
Name |
Retcon: Last 60 Days - Runs with Items Restrictions
This is the port where they keep all the boards with stars on it. The boards are updated once every evening. Today's stars include:
Most Retcons: Bracket Sundown (1-4)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Dusk (5-9)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Midnight (10-14)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Dawn (15+)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Sundown (1-4)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Dusk (5-9)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Midnight (10-14)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Dawn (15+)
Rank |
Name |
Retcon: All Time - Runs with No Items Restrictions
This is the port where they keep all the boards with stars on it. The boards are updated once every evening. Today's stars include:
Most Retcons: Bracket Sundown (1-4)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Dusk (5-9)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Midnight (10-14)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Sundown (1-4)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Dusk (5-9)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Midnight (10-14)
Rank |
Name |
Retcon: All Time - Runs with Items Restrictions
This is the port where they keep all the boards with stars on it. The boards are updated once every evening. Today's stars include:
Most Retcons: Bracket Sundown (1-4)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Dusk (5-9)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Midnight (10-14)
Rank |
Name |
Most Retcons: Bracket Dawn (15+)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Sundown (1-4)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Dusk (5-9)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Midnight (10-14)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons: Bracket Dawn (15+)
Rank |
Name |
General Retcon
General retcon statistics, outside the scope of the all items/item restrictions division.
Most Retcons (All Brackets)
Rank |
Name |
Fastest Retcons (All Brackets)
Rank |
Name |
- The Snowflake Leaderboard costs 1000 Chips for the first day, and doubles each rollover afterwards.
- The board will reset back one level if the player doesn't continue to pay each day, e.g. if the player pays 8000, and the next day it's 16000, if he doesn't pay, the day after it will be 8000 again.
- Should a player buy up to the 16,000 chip mark (31,000 chips total), they will receive the following message:
You've unlocked a new avatar! Now you can show everyone what a special snowflake you are.

- The location name is a play on nautical terms. Starboard is the nautical term that refers to the right side of a vessel as perceived by a person on board a vessel and facing the bow (front). Port is the term for the left side.