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|name=Refresh Mode
|name=Refresh Mode
|desc=This is an electronic robot programmed by a smarter positronic robot to use all digital instruments to mimic the sounds of four men playing only analog instruments and singing songs about how life is bad so you should enjoy what you can from it. Complicated, no?
|desc=This is an electronic robot programmed by a smarter positronic robot to use all digital instruments to mimic the sounds of four men playing only analog instruments and singing songs about how life is bad so you should enjoy what you can from it. Complicated, no?
|hit1=They all band together, pull out a giant rubber band, and smack it against your skin.
|hit2=The band turns up a loudspeaker and blasts you with a deafening chord. {{hitnote|{{element|sonic|}}}}
|hit3=The band smashes a guitar over your head, shattering it. The guitar, not your head. Though it's pretty close with your head, too.
|miss1=The band tries to blast you with music, but the acoustic instruments don't get nearly loud enough.
|miss2=They try to rock your world, but you roll to the side and dodge.
|miss3=The band tries to submit you to their worst riot impression, but it's a quiet riot, and mostly harmless.
|xp=(Level*8, cap 250)
|item5=banned book
|loc1=Battle of the Bands
*The whole character is based off {{wikipedia|Depeche Mode}}.
*The whole character is based off {{wikipedia|Depeche Mode}}.

Revision as of 04:56, 21 February 2010

Refresh Mode

You are fighting ??? Refresh Mode.

This is an electronic robot programmed by a smarter positronic robot to use all digital instruments to mimic the sounds of four men playing only analog instruments and singing songs about how life is bad so you should enjoy what you can from it. Complicated, no?
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:
Unspecified Message

He hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! He hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:
Unspecified Message

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! He takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

Unspecified chip drop

Unspecified XP

Known resistances/weaknesses



Unspecified Locations
