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Before Twilight Heroes, he played with duct tape.<br><br>
Before Twilight Heroes, he played with duct tape.<br><br>
And that's Ryme in a nutshell.
And that's Ryme in a nutshell.
Ryme's inspiration for Twilight Heroes evolved from his admiration of "Jick" (of Kingdom Of Loathing fame) and the burning contempt he held within him towards Jick and his success with "K.O.L." Ryme studied the mechanics of Loathing, and decidied to Plagiarize Jick's "KOL" in every way possible. The end result was "Twilight Heroes" a browser-based identity theft, which models KOL almost completely, except without the fun, or creativity of KOL.
Most see TH storylines as insipid, pointless, and pedantic - much like Ryme himself. Alot of the aspects of TH that Ryme totes as "new" or "original" are more or less mirrored completely from the KOL game mechanics. However, in a rush to create what could be viewed as the "special-needs cousin of KOL", TH as of yet, has not evolved any form of ascension, "clan groups", or a proper trading function. Although, one can only assume that creations of these functions are most likely right around the corner. Assuming that to NOT impliment these functions, would be straying away from Ryme's tested formula of vehemently pirating any unique, and imaginative detail synonomous with Kindom Of Loathing
As Kingdom Of Loathing's popularity grows larger, Twilight Heroes will continue their parastic dependance on KOL, much the way a hyena will wait for the pack of lions to hunt, stalk, and kill their prey, waiting to sneak in and retrieve the scraps of the lions hard work, and efforts, before skulking off with its tail between its legs, and a maw full of undeserved sustenance.

Revision as of 12:55, 24 November 2008

Hammer.gif This page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION:
Hey Ryme! Edit this!
Ryme's Avatar
Ryme (#1)

Master! of the cats!

Ryme (a.k.a. Ryme "Showtime" Jackson) is the creator of Twilight Heroes.
He's a 32 year old white male.
Ryme's birthday is 5-6-19??
His real name is Ross Patty.
Before Twilight Heroes, he played with duct tape.

And that's Ryme in a nutshell.