Fruitcake (regifted)
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fruitcake (regifted)
Plural: bricks of fruitcake (regifted)
What holiday season would be complete without a fruitcake? This monstrosity is overloaded with nuts and completely covered in candied fruit and has a density similar to depleted uranium. Since you'd probably chip a tooth if you tried to eat it, your best bet is to just fling this thing at some poor sucker.
This particular fruitcake was given to you by your dear and close friend, um, you know what? You can't remember. Still, it was a nice gift. In theory.
Comes from December 2009 Item of the Month
Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 15
Combat Usable
How Obtained
Having someone gifting you a fruitcake
You wind up like a big league pitcher and hurl the fruitcake at your poor opponent. They weren't expecting a "food" fight, and get clocked solidly by the holiday "treat." At least you found a use for it. ?-41-56-? damage worth of use.