Shall We Play A Game? (Cannonball Tavern)

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You scope out the action in the dive bar, but for the moment the chaos is at a lull. No brawling, no scrapping, no serious acts of intimidation. Just a bunch of loud and rowdy people drinking and playing games.


  • Get into an armwrestling contest
  • Play trivia
  • Play darts
  • Look around a little harder for a fight


If you chose Get into an armwrestling contest:


The Right to Bare Arms
As a veteran hero there's simply nobody in this bar who can match your muscular prowess. One after another they fall to you: Larry, Little Mike, Lazy J, T-Bone, Hungry Ralph, Big Mike, Jake, Bobby T, and yes, even Thor. For an encore you bench press one of the bar benches, with Big Mike and Little Mike sitting on it at the time. The guys are all very impressed, but don't think it'll keep a besotted brawler from trying to pick a fight next time you come through the doors.

You gain 1 strength.

If you chose Play trivia:


Nontrivial Pursuit
You sit down at the bar and pass some time answering multiple choice questions about random subjects. You get a few right, you get a few wrong, a couple of the facts even manage to stick in your head for a while.

You gain 1 intellect.

If you chose Play darts:


Playing Cool Playing Darts
You decide darts sound like the most fun, so you spend some time throwing sharp, pointy objects across a room full of drunken, staggering people. It's as much of a challenge avoiding all the people as it is getting the darts into the board. Definitely good target practice, though.

You gain 1 reflexes.

If you chose Look around a little harder for a fight:


