Vlad's Decryptonomicon software
Vlad's Decryptonomicon software
Plural: Unknown
The picture on the cover of this box shows some sort of undead creature leaving a graveyard. The implication being, I suppose, that the software is good for de-crypting things. In a most painful (and pun-ful) fashion. Or they're marketing themselves to the undead. Hard to say, really.
Autosell value: 15
How Obtained
Drop Location
Buy at Aaron's All-Night Electronics.
When Used
You pop in the CD and install the software. It's now on your computer(s) and can be run any time. (must have a computer installed at your Hideout)
"Decryptonomicon" is a reference to the fictional Necronomicon (a fictional book from the stories of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft and also "The Book of the Dead" in many of Lovecraft's other stories.)