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Item Number: 1439
Description ID: 8763609
(view in-game)


Plural: pillows
Pillows have been around for a long time. Evidence of primitive pillows have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, and they're believed to have existed even before then in some parts of Asia. During the rule of the Tudors in England, pillows carried a bit of a social stigma: only women giving birth and "weak men" (old timey for "wussy-boys") were supposed to use them. Eventually, though, people realized that pillows were comfortable and wimpiness aside, people able to sleep without getting a crick in your neck was a fine thing. Now-a-days, pillows are mass produced with a variety of fillings as well as ranging from providing orthopedic benefits to pure decoration.

Dude, seriously. It's a pillow. You know what a pillow is.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 5

How Obtained

Using 1 unstuffed stuffing.

When Used

You rest your head against the pillow and have an almost instantaneous but fantastic cat nap. You gain ?-21-30-? HP. Now the other side of the pillow has touched the ground, though, and it's really icky, so you throw it away.

Using multiple: Same as single use