Jujitsu expert

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Jujitsu expert

Jujitsu tends to focus more on grapples and throws than outright damage. If your sidekick can find a way in to the fight they can disrupt your opponent's attacks.
Level cap: 10

How Obtained

Full-time sidekick.
Obtained from: Firebird College at Philbin‎


Ability: Stops opponent attacks


When blocking:

  • <name> intercepts your opponent's charge and uses their momentum to throw them to the ground.
  • <name> grapples with your opponent, preventing any attacks from getting to you.


  • <name> tries to turn your opponent's momentum against them, but can never remember what the 'p' is supposed to stand for.
  • <name> tries to grapple with your opponent, but can't maintain a good grip.


  • Block rate is about (19% ± 2.5%) at the cap.


  • p=mv