Joiner's Club and Furrier's Den

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You're welcomed into the workshop and lodge of the joiners and furriers. There's much raucous carousing, but as someone who is neither a joiner nor a furrier (and who has crime to fight) you know you can't stay. Still, your eye is drawn to the center of the room, where three massive chairs sit. On the left is a sturdy oaken bench, on the right is a comfy plush recliner, and in the center, on another raised platform, is an enormous throne coated in fur. Each chair has a plaque at its base, with a label and a name.

The Mink Seat of Justice

Plush Recliner of Wisdom

Oaken Bench of Might

A representative of the guilds informs you that as a fundraiser they have a weekly raffle for each of the chairs. The top three winners each get a seat, and get to keep it from Moonday through the next weekend. Each seat is reportedly exceptionally comfortable and great for sitting in. On top of that, the Mink Seat of Justice is so revered, all who possess the seat are recorded for posterior--er, posterity--and those who have had it the most are given the most acclaim.

Raffle tickets are 10 chips apiece. So far you have purchased {X}