Talk:Main Page

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Revision as of 20:35, 16 December 2007 by (talk) (just a critique. move it, delete it, whatever. just didn't know where else to opine.)

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Well, I'll give it a go on the main page with some opinion that may or may not be welcome. TH is a GREAT concept. But right now, it really is just a concept. I'm not sure it's even ready for Beta yet. I'm a very, very casual game player, and I exhausted it in three weeks. There's too much that is yet-to-be implemented. The atmosphere is terrific (seriously, awesome sense of urban dismal), the classes are neat but need serious work (what's the point in being a gadgeteer if you can only make a couple of gadgets?), but the real problem is that there is so little to do.

Can I see it being a very fun and successful game? Yes. Is it ready to be live and on the 'net? No.

Good luck, and please persevere. I'll check back sometime.
