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In this game you play a superhero character. First and foremost, characters are primarily defined by their class. Each superhero is one of four classes: Elemental, Naturalist, Gadgeteer, and Psion. Each class has a distinct set of abilities and weaknesses, and will tend to have a different method of approaching and solving problems. (See more on classes on that section of the manual.)
Each character has three main stats which help to define their abilities: Strength, Intellect, and Reflexes. Strength is a measure of physical power. It primarily helps as a factor in dealing extra damage in combat, if you're attacking with a weapon. Intellect represents smarts, focus, and your ability to observe the world around you. High intellect can increase the damage that most spells deal in combat, and also can affect whether you're surprised by opponents, or whether they surprise you. Reflexes represent agility and reaction time. Reflexes play a part in determining how well you can dodge opponent attacks, and how well you can aim your own attacks.
Each character also has two other important stats: Hit Points (HP) and Power Points (PP). 'HP' represent how much damage you can take from opponent attacks before you need to rest or heal yourself. PP reflect an amount of superhero power that you can tap into in order to use your hero's special abilities. The game tracks both your current levels and your character's maximum—for instance you might see HP written as 5/10, meaning that you have 5 hit points left out of a maximum of 10.
You will also see Experience Points (XP), which is a measure of how much your hero has learned from his or her adventures. When your hero has gained enough experience, he or she can get training at the Heroes' Guild and go up a level. Training will cost you, but it's also an important way to advance your hero. Gaining levels gives you new skills to use, more HP and PP, and improves your fighting abilities.

Your hero also has money, in the form of 'chips'.

And finally, the game tracks what time it is. Each day begins at 7:00 p.m., after you've gotten out of work. As you patrol town and have adventures, the night grows later. Once you hit your bedtime, you've used up your turns for the day and have to wait until the next day to get more. There are ways, though, to extend your bedtime and thus get more turns, usually by drinking coffee or finding other sources of energy. (See more in the Time, Turns, and Adventures page.) For practical purposes, each "day" is actually reset at Rollover, which occurs at rougly 11:10 p.m. Eastern Standard time. Right now rollover only takes a minute at most, but the management recommends that you don't stay logged in to the game during that short period.