Proud member of PFE |
Dician is a chat moderator for Twilight Heroes, a founding member of PFE, and a GKOL DJ.
User ID: #5296
Level: 26
Class: Elementalist
Merit Badges: Delayed Gratification Dusk 'til Dawn Really Out To Sea
A somwhat complete list of his multis:
Peck Jace Mark the Barbarian MOD ANNOUNCEMENT (my personal favorite :-)) Pilate Slartibartfast Crickets Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden Dummy Account Who Guy Made of Bees Doctor Phil Atio The RNG Doctor Zoidberg Arzal Dalit zomgwtf zomgwtfh4x
Shared accounts that he has made:
PFE Chatbot Noblesse Oblige Iocaine Powder