Talk:Animal Kung-Foolery

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Revision as of 15:27, 12 November 2012 by Hoyifung04 (talk | contribs) (Still unspaded?)
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Some hit messages: You perform a flying duck elbow, and do 123 damage. You perform a squirrel nibble followed by a chipmunk crunch, and do 115 damage. You perform a tortoise twister, and do 118 damage. You perform a snarling frog wallop, and do 110 damage. You perform an aardvark scissor kick, and do 120 damage.

-- Some etremely limited "testing" (nothing reliable) suggest that this is autohit, damage may be something like base weapon damage + 10*SP, didn't seem to go up with level/strength (as much as normal attack did). --XKiv 10:41, 25 February 2012 (PST)

Someone should probably spade this. I think Cris confirmed that it is autohit, but everything else is wrong. --hoyifung04 07:27, 12 November 2012 (PST)