Reign of frogs

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reign of frogs

You are fighting the reign of frogs.

Frogs reign from the sky, passing judgement and bouncy death down on you.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • The frogs lay judgement upon your head. Bouncy amphibian justice.
  • They croak deafening orders at you. X (sonic) damage
  • One of the frogs brushes against you. Judging by the burning sensation, it must have been a relative of the poison bolt toad. X (acid) damage

They hit you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! They hit you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • The frogs try to lay judgement upon your head, but they don't actually have jurisdiction.
  • The frogs croak orders at you, but you don't speak Frog.
  • One of the frogs brushes against you. It's kind of gross.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! They takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

Unspecified XP

You got an item: ancient quarter chip Ancientquarterchip.gif (Guaranteed Drop)
You got an item: tiny frog crown Frogcrown.gif (Guaranteed Drop)
You got an item: squashed digital toad Digitaltoad.gif (Guaranteed Drop)

One of the reigning frogs plummets into the pond with a tremendous splash.

The reign of frogs is over. The reign of the hero has begun. Mua ha! Mua ha ha ha!

Actually, heros don't usually do much reigning... so maybe just a nice walk around the park?

But the future is safe! Well... the presen... actually, you know, you're not sure if he'll really go away with this whole "fighting the past" thing.

Known resistances/weaknesses

