Talk:Nasty Nebula

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Revision as of 19:45, 9 September 2017 by XKiv (talk | contribs)
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Maybe the trigger for Disperse the cloud is Sundowner Breeze? It's not Tornado; I got that message even with less than 10 SP invested. Also, given the hint of "master of ions", maybe Ride the lightning is boosted by the ion skills (knowing one? perming it? having them all?) from the Nostronomian textbook? --hoyifung04 (talk) 11:37, 9 September 2017 (PDT)

Disperse the crowd with sundowner learned but not active: You have some ideas about breezes, but nothing that can budge this cloud more than good old huffing and puffing. (1 bolt)

After casting sundowner breeze: Your breeze clears out a great swathe of the cloud, sending it to rain on someone else's parade. We're just going to have to assume that someone is immune to acid. (3 bolts)

Ride the lightning with aura:ion active: With an unparalleled mastery of ions, you drain ton of the cloud's charge. Seriously, it looks like your credit card after some late night shopping on Valdivian. (3 clouds)

--XKiv (talk) 12:45, 9 September 2017 (PDT)