Water Drinkadile

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Item Number: 2589
Description ID: 78604208
(view in-game)


Water Drinkadile
Plural: bottles of Water Drinkadile
This "one-of-a-kind hydrating beverage" is carefully engineered to taste like water while still replenishing your electrolytes. Hey, at least they didn't call it "Water 2.0"?

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 200

How Obtained

Hero Dash

When Used

You drink the Drinkadile, feeling extra hydrated by the authentic watery flavoring and regaining You gain 30-50 PP. You gain an effect: Unthirsty Like the Croc (Added for 60 minutes.)

Gives effect: Unthirsty Like the Croc

Using multiple: Same as single use