Old coin

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Revision as of 01:18, 5 July 2008 by Reaper (talk | contribs) (New page: {{Underconstruction|comment=Needs when used.}} {{item |descid= |itemid= |name=old coin |image=Old-coin.gif |desc=This is a funny old coin that might have been what they used before the ca...)
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Needs when used.
Item Number: Unknown
Description ID: Unknown

old coin
Plural: Unknown
This is a funny old coin that might have been what they used before the casinos took over Twilight's currency and converted everything to chips. Then again, you don't remember any coins with a hole in the middle back then, so maybe it's from somewhere else. As it's not a chip, these days the value is limited strictly to its worth as a collector's item.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 10

Gets you a sidekick/companion.

How Obtained


When Used


Using multiple: Unspecified

How Obtained

From the Plaid couch

When Used