Skills (manual)

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Heroes start out with at least one skill, and gain more as they advance in levels. Skills come in different types: passive, combat, noncombat, buff and effects.

Passive skills are always active—you don't have to do anything, and you continually gain the benefit.

Combat skills can only be used in combat, and generally help heroes inflict damage, hinder their opponent, or something similar. They require power points (PP) to use.

Noncombat skills can be used only when you're not in combat. They can do any number of things, such as heal your hero or temporarily improve one of your abilities. They require power points (PP) to use.

Buffs are also noncombat spells, but they can be cast on other players as well as yourself. They require power points (PP) to use.

Effects are effects you can get through events. They are temporarily and don't cost any power points (PP).