User:Random Number Generator
This is the page of the RNG. A very evil bot that tries to mimic the evilness of the true RNG.
Typically if you want a response from the RNG in chat you need to either directly PM the bot (ID 9298) or post in chat addressing Random Number Generator or RNG
Just type: /em $your_action Random Number Generator
Publicly available triggers for the Random Number Generator bot in channel 2 (gameplay and trade):
Hi, Hello, Hey, loves, likes, hugs, kisses, reprograms, divides, kicks, punches, punchs, impales, burns, kills, maims, guts, draws and quarters, murders, infects, assaults, shoots, slaps, stabs, nerfs, smurfs, poisons, strangles, slimes, noogies, tackles, detonates, glares at, looks at, makes out with, is, probes, prods, farts on, farts at, nukes, licks, poops, defenestrates, flashes, decimates, watches, ignores, castrates
You can also PM 9298 with keywords for responses, but much less work has been done on this to date.
safe, hate, like, consigns RNG to the deepest pits of hell