The Mementonian Memuseum
Memuseum. I like mementos. At first I just started
collecting a few of them, but over time my memento
collection gathered memomentum until I built a whole
memuseum of mementos. Now you're just memoments
away from making great mememories in the best memento
collection in town (that Mementoarium across town doesn't
have enough mememorabilia to earn a footnote in my
Yes! I do like to make up words! Almost as much as I like
mementos. Speaking of mementos, would you like to see some of mine? Here's one:
This is a picture of a You Better Belize It! shirt. I don't actually
own the shirt, but I liked it enough to take a picture.
This is a guitar that has been signed by every memember of the Twilight Rolling Stones roller derby team