Extremely large shield

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Item Number: 542
Description ID: 6660594
(view in-game)

extremely large shield
Plural: Unknown
If there was ever invented such a thing as a two-handed shield, this would be that thing. I mean, look at it! It's so big only a small part of it can be shown for its image. The whole thing is much bigger than the spot of white you can see there.

Problem with a 2-handed shield is it leaves you without a weapon, which doesn't make any sense. So the thing to do is get behind this thing and hope you never need to maneuver. It's more like a wall that way than a proper shield, I suppose.

Offhand Item
Power: 23
Level Required: 6
Item cannot be traded or sold
Autosell value: 150
Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+4 PvP block defense
-2 PvP parry defense

How Obtained


How Obtained

The Arena Armory (exchanged for 30 lambda tokens)