Fall-colored chocolates

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Revision as of 04:08, 31 October 2008 by Reaper (talk | contribs) (New page: {{item |descid= |itemid= |name=fall-colored chocolates |image=Fall-colored.gif |desc=This is a small handful of fall-colored chocolate candies. Several shades of orange, brown, and yellow ...)
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Item Number: Unknown
Description ID: Unknown

fall-colored chocolates
Plural: Unknown
This is a small handful of fall-colored chocolate candies. Several shades of orange, brown, and yellow make up the mix. Other than the shading, they're completely identical in taste, texture, flavor, smell, and any other consideration to the more brightly colored mix that you can find year-round. But hey, take away the red, blue, and green, and now it's "special," right?

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 10

How Obtained
