Paper pumpkin pin
paper pumpkin pin
Plural: Unknown
If you could convince Peter Piper to pick a peck of these paper pumpkin pins, you'd be partway to a particularly pernicious peccadillo of a tongue twister. It's an origami pumpkin turned into a pin, so you can wear the artwork. Paper, you might note, is a traditional material for first anniversary gifts. With this trend in mind, you can probably expect a cotton cabbage calendar next year.
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+5 Strength
How Obtained
How Obtained
Gift item for TH's 1 year anniversary. It arrived in a message that said:
Please accept this small gift as thanks for celebrating Twilight's anniversary with me yesterday. I was going to say something heartfelt and touching here about players and fun and the value of laughter and yadda yadda yadda, but that was too sappy. So, uh, thanks. Just thanks.
Originally the name was paper placeholder.