Unbranded Arena

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Unbranded Arena

You're in a big sporting arena. It used to be named after one of the larger banks in Twilight, but the company went bankrupt a few years back, and no other company has been interested in paying for licensing, especially since the major sports team that used to be there has also left. For the time being, the sign on the building just says "arena".

Duel a Player

Your PvP rank:

Visit the PvP scoreboard to see fights you've been in during the last week.

Visit the locker room to set your strategy and choose your equipment.

Visit the arena armory to purchase gear.

Note that PvP is still a work in progress, but it's coming together. Also note that fighting your own characters is considered cheating and multi abuse.

Search player name or ID:
Or search by rank:
(will be closest to but higher than this number)

Or play against one of these randomly selected targets who are close to your rank:
OR (if rank > 500) You have a very high rank, so here are the top 10 players you might want to fight.

Name Duel Rank
Name (#number) [duel] Pvp rank

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