User talk:Dfmchfhf

From Twilight Heroes Wiki
Revision as of 23:42, 30 November 2008 by Reaper (talk | contribs) (changed startday for accuracy)
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Calendar Template look. just putting it here for dfm.

|startday-4 (1 through 6)
|mlength-31 (length of the current month)
|m/txt/bg-December/blue/lightblue (month/txt color/background color)
|fray-black/lightblue (fraydays txt color/background color)
|event-24/green/red/x-mass|possible event (event day/txt color/background color/event text|line return)
|event-25/red/green/x-mass day (event day/txt color/background color/event txt)

used December as an example.