Bowl of oil
bowl of oil
Plural: bowls of oil
This is a little ceramic bowl filled partway up with oil. It may not look like much, but rumor has it that it'll go a long way.
Offhand Item
Autosell value: 20
How Obtained
One bowl was given to each player by Ryme as a gift for Hanukkah, 2008. The message said:
There's always so much going on around Christmas and it's hard to compete, so how does everyone feel about doing Hanukkah this year instead? Here, have some oil. I hear that's traditional, or something.
Seriously, though, I hope you're having a happy holidays!
Included item: bowl of oil (quantity 1)
When Used
- Gadgeteer
You run the oil product through a series of cookers and distillers until you can't think of any other machinery to apply. When you're done you've got quite a mess.
You got an item: glob of tar
- Elementalist
You look at the oil product for all of two seconds before deciding it would be better if it was on fire. Whoosh!
You got an item: ball of fire
- Naturalist
You tap into the spirit of Apis mellifera--that's honey bee to the rest of us--and somehow convert the oil product into a ball of wax. It involves a lot of chewing and spitting, which is a little icky, but you try not to think about it.
You got an item: ball of wax
- Psion
Using multiple: Unspecified