Grimm's Bulwark

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Revision as of 04:52, 26 December 2008 by JazzTap (talk | contribs) (HP and PP gains spaded, I think.)
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Item Number: 640
Description ID: 5712228
(view in-game)

Grimm's Bulwark
Plural: Unknown
Despite the name, this icon is really just a powerful defensive insignia that used to be worn by Bartlesby Grimm, the defensive strategist and protective uncle of the Quad Squad.

Item cannot be auto-sold
+20% to your defensive rating
+20% resistance to all elements
Regenerates HP as a function of level (currently +level HP per turn, capped at +10).
Regenerates PP as a function of level (currently +level/2 PP per turn, capped at +5).
-15% to your offensive rating

How Obtained

The Wok of Stars