Red robot
red robot
Plural: red robots
This is a fuming red robot. Fuming, as in smoke seems to be rising from it, and also fuming as in appearing to be really angry. You wouldn't expect to find many angry robots, but someone thought this one ought to be.
Miscellaneous Item
Item cannot be traded or sold
Autosell value: 150
Unknown Modifier
How Obtained
infernium slab | robotics kit | |
red robot |
When Used
This information may no longer be accurate; please move this information to the Notes section using {{Oldsummon}} and use {{Summoncompanion}} instead.
- Without a current companion:
- Within moments of being activated, the red robot starts running around, pestering and annoying everything in sight. Man, that's one obnoxious sidekick. (Duration: 120 minutes.)
- When Red robot is your current companion:
- Unknown
- When you have a different companion:
- Unknown
Sidekick/companion: Red robot
Using multiple: Unspecified