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Revision as of 09:25, 26 February 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (Corrected look)
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Yep, you're off on some Trite and Irrational Line of Research. Underground intelligent Terrans? What kind of craziness is that? Well, I guess if you find them this T.a.I.L.o.R. will make you the most famous person of the S.U.I.T. world.

Garners you S.U.I.T. points (tracked in your journal)


Obtained From


  • Occasionally, a message appears when the turn is over.
With an electronic computer:
Your watch beeps with an update from the S.U.I.T. software. You've processed another chunk of data, earning you 2 points with the S.U.I.T. data farmers.
With a positronic computer:
Your watch beeps with an update from the S.U.I.T. software. You've processed another chunk of data, earning you 3 points with the S.U.I.T. data farmers.
  • Was formerly called "Searching for U.I.T."