Insta-charge ampoule

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PP range in combat
Item Number: 104
Description ID: 5520719
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insta-charge ampoule
Plural: insta-charge ampoules
This is a fast-acting psychic charger. Snap this little ampoule under your nose, take a deep breath, and you'll instantly feel recharged. Just resist the temptation to stick the ampoule up your nose. Only kids and lousy comedians do that.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 75
Combat Usable

How Obtained

Downtown Twilight

When Used

You break open the ampoule and inhale the strange vapors that come out of it. You feel refreshed instantly. You gain 8-12 PP.

Using multiple: Unspecified

When Used in Combat

You break open the ampoule and inhale the strange vapors that come out of it. You feel refreshed instantly. You gain ?-8-11-? PP.