Deranged mutant

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deranged mutant

You are fighting a deranged mutant.

Investigating the twisting halls of the Sanatarium you encounter a deranged monstrosity of a mutant, kept here as much to protect it from the public as to protect the public from it. You just wish someone had taken a moment to consider your safety.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • The mutant exposes you to some of the same radiation that caused him to mutate. Unfortunately your mutation is unstable, and chunks of your flesh turn into water. (psychic) damage
  • The mutant sniffs the air. "There's too much iron in your blood," he says, and then slashes you so that some of it can drain out.
  • The mutant spits some swiftly-hardening goo on you. You have to smash it with your own weapon to break it loose. Naturally this involves smashing your own tender flesh that's underneath the goo. damage+ (psychic) damage

It hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! It hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • The mutant tries to set you on fire, but his lighter goes out and he has to pause to get it lit again.
  • The mutant tries to frighten you by revealing his true form, but as his true form looks a lot like a smurf you're more bemused than traumatized.
  • The mutant tries to expose you to mutation-causing radiation, but some men and women in black leather suits foil his plot.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! It takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain 130 experience.

Known resistances/weaknesses

Former resistances were Verified to have no resistances or weaknesses., remember to remove this information from the page when resistances are spaded.
