The Oldest and Strongest Emotion
New on June 15:
The Oldest and Strongest Emotion Lately you've been getting a slightly creepy feeling whenever you find yourself close to the University campus. Maybe you ought to spend some time around there to see if you can track it down. Is this a new quest? Investigating it right now. (Using this page as a textdump until someone figures details out).
Investigating the retro rave yields The Old Man and the Me. This opens up Creepy Old House on the campus and the journal reads:
Well, you've found quite possibly the creepiest old man in Twilight living in the creepiest house in Twilight. And, of course, he's sent you off to find some creepy things in the creepy Sanatarium. You're not so sure if this is a particularly wise course of action, but you're a little too creeped out to ignore him.