Bug (dict)

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Revision as of 12:48, 19 June 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (New page: {{dict|bug}} n. In programming, a mistake. A thing that is wrong with the program. Something to be fixed. Often misunderstood and confused with one or more of the following, which are no...)
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Twilight Dictionary


n. In programming, a mistake. A thing that is wrong with the program. Something to be fixed.

Often misunderstood and confused with one or more of the following, which are not actually bugs:

  • Something which works properly once you read the instructions
  • Mistakes made by the user
  • Things designed to provide game balance
  • Subtle jokes
  • Functionality
  • Error protection
  • Things that make sense when you're actually paying attention
  • Improper expectations
  • Sarcasm
  • Sophisticated humor
  • Things that make sense when you read them again, more slowly


Sending a bug report.