Destitute Dick's Penny-Pincher Program

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Item Number: 239
Description ID: 3728923
(view in-game)

Destitute Dick's Penny-Pincher Program
Plural: Destitute Dick's Penny-Pincher Programs
Now how exactly a guy with no money is supposed to teach you to save money is beyond me, but that seems to be the premise behind this software. The back of the box is loaded with informative catch-phrases such as: "clams and oysters shell in three ways," "If you would be wealthy, think of shaving as well as sitting," and "hunger is the best pickle." Whatever that means.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 35

How Obtained

financial spreadsheet code statistical analysis code
Destitute Dick's Penny-Pincher Program

When Used

You pop in the CD and install the software. It's now on your computer(s) and can be run any time.

Running it on a computer gives Financial Prudence - ∞ as an effect.

Using multiple: Unspecified
