Sucks to be Dinner

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You climb to the crest of a convenient overlook and peer down into the maze of ridges and valleys below. At first all is quiet, but a few minutes later you catch sight of some motion to your left and far below. You rapidly skitter down the scree-coated hillside, arriving just in time to shoo off a baby astral shredder so small it would have posed no threat to you, but was near to finishing off the wounded woman it was tracking. She introduces herself as Vasquez, and says she's the last surviving member of her group. The others--Drake, Frost, Ferro, and Spunkmeyer--all succumbed to gigantic leeches that surged out of a watery pool in the cave they had been exploring.

Vasquez says they had just located a large shard of Nostromonium in their cave--number X--and were on their way back with it when the attack happened. She doesn't know what happened to the Nostromonium, but assumes it must have been left behind.

You make a note on your map, highlighting cave X with an exclamation point so that you'll remember to investigate it later.




  • Vasquez, Drake, Frost, Ferro, and Spunkmeyer are characters from the movie Aliens.