Mother's Milk

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Revision as of 04:06, 25 August 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (notes)

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The back of the cave is damp and riddled with a small collection of stalagmites and stalactites. At first glance it is apparently devoid of Nostronomium. After the first pass you take some time to go over the cave again, looking for any details you may have missed. Something from an old movie tickles your memory, and you find yourself drawn to a small puddle of muddy water, chalky white in appearance. Figuring it's worth a shot, you reach into the water and work your hands through the condensed ooze at the bottom.

Yep, there's definitely something there. It takes a minute to wash off the worst of the muck, by which time you're positive that this is another piece of the needed Nostronomium.

