Doctor Worm

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Revision as of 12:39, 12 November 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs)

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Doctor Worm

You are fighting Doctor Worm.

He's not a real doctor, but he's certainly a real worm, metaphorically speaking.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:
Unspecified Message

  • The "Good Doctor" injects you with a needle full of air. Thankfully you're a superhero, so the air bubble in your vein doesn't kill you. It just causes massive coronary damage instead.
  • "Say 'aaah'" says the Doc, as he tries to use a two-by-four plank as a tongue depressor.

He hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! He hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • The Doc sets up an attack by tapping your knee with one of those reflex tester hammers. You disrupt the rest of his maneuver when you kick him in the shin.
  • Doctor Worm tries to inject you with a poison, but it looks like he grabbed tetanus vaccine instead. You probably needed one of those.
  • The doctor tells you to say 'aaah' but you keep your lips closed and shake your head.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! He takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

Unspecified chip drop

You gain (8*Level, cap 400) experience.

You got an item: Doctor Worm's surgical gloves Noimage2.gif (Guaranteed Drop)

Known resistances/weaknesses


