Abaddon charm

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Item Number: 177
Description ID: 5462452
(view in-game)

Abaddon charm
Plural: Abaddon charms
Made from a polished madstone dropped by some infernal fiend, wearing this pendant lets you exhibit all the charm of Abaddon. Admittedly, there's more charm in your little finger than there is in the entirety of Abaddon, but as your little finger is exceptionally charming that still leaves plenty of room for this talisman to shine.

Item cannot be auto-sold
+10 fire damage
+20% fire resistance
+20% Strength
-3 PP per turn

How Obtained

Fiendish Pit


  • An ultra-rare drop. Or it can be considered a guaranteed drop when the name is "freak-tesque fiend from the inferno", which is an ultra-rare event.
  • The penalty was originally -1 PP, but this was increased.


  • Refers to Abaddon, the king of tormenting locusts and the angel of the bottomless pit.