Category:Archaic Piercing Ranged Weapons

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Archaic Piercing Ranged Weapons use the following messages:

Hit Messages

  • you fire as rapidly as possible (which would be N times) and pierce your foe repeatedly (which would be N times) and hurt them (which would be X damage).
  • you fire as rapidly as possible (which only be just once, sadly) and pierce your foe (which would be X damage).
  • you let loose a volley (for this round, a volley shall be defined as N shots) and hit for X damage.
  • you let loose a volley (well, one nicely-placed shot) and hit for X damage.
  • you fire again and again and again, raining down sharp, pointy death upon your foe. Only N of your shots hit, but it's enough to cause a lot of pain. On a scale of 1 to X, you did X damage.
  • you fire again and again and again, raining down sharp, pointy death upon your foe. Only one of your shots hits, but it's enough to cause a lot of pain. On a scale of 1 to X, you did X damage.
  • you let loose N times with your <weapon> and mess up your opponent for X damage.
  • you let loose with your <weapon> and mess up your opponent for X damage.
  • you shoot your opponent N times and say "Stick around." It works better with a single knife, but after taking X damage, your foe isn't likely to complain.
  • you shoot your opponent and say "Stick around." It works better with a single knife, but after taking X damage, your foe isn't likely to complain.

Miss Messages

  • you fire as quickly as possible, which means you don't take the time to aim. Thus, you miss. Tsk.
  • you shoot an arrow into the air, it falls to Earth, you know not where; for so swiftly it flew, the sight could not follow it in its flight. Wherever it eventually sailed, your opponent it never impaled.
  • you fire several times, but an inexplicable gust of wind blows all your projectiles aside.
  • you reach for your arrows (or quarrels, or bolts, or... whatever) only to realize that you left your quiver back at your hideout.
  • you pose in a dramatic stance and fire numerous times at your opponent's feet. It looks cool in comics, but doesn't do much in a real battle.

Fumble Message

Fumble! Through a complex and highly unlikely series of unfortunate events, your shot goes so horribly awry that you shoot yourself in the foot and take X damage.

Critical Hit Message

  • you take aim and fire, scoring N bull's eyes in a row. Assuming you're fighting a bull. Since you probably aren't, you get N <foe>'s eyes. Ouch. After being shot for X damage, they're not looking so good.


  • The critical hit message is the same for single hits. In such a case N is 1.