Drowsing rod

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Revision as of 02:00, 28 April 2010 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (Notes)

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Item Number: 676
Description ID: 3919923
(view in-game)


drowsing rod
Plural: drowsing rods
What you do is you hold this stick in your hands, and when it gets tired and droopy and points to the ground that's where you're supposed to sit down and take a nap. Makes perfect sense to me.

Comes from the March 2009 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Item cannot be auto-sold
Combat Usable

How Obtained

When Used in Combat

You pull out the drowsing rod and hold it in front of you. As advertised, the rod sends out a wave of drowsiness that makes both you and your opponent sleepy. It's a very restful sleep, during which You gain 6*Level, cap 200 HP.


Your opponent seems to have fallen into a deeper sleep than you, so you get to act first.


  • Your opponent is stunned for the round only if the optional message appears.
  • Against frusion enemies it does not stun.
