Hyper-c, large
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hyper-c, large
Plural: large droppers of hyper-c
Hypercaffeine, or hyper-c, is a molecularly altered variant of the caffeine molecule that gives a slightly greater energizing effect with slightly reduced side effects.
This is a large dropper of the stuff, differentiated from a small dropper by its being larger than the small. We could start calling them venti and tall if that would help clarify things. No? That's what I thought.
Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 5
Autosell value: 30
Contains caffeine (6)
How Obtained
- "tastes great" and "less filling" refers to the Miller Lite long-running campaign "Great Taste...Less Filling!"
- The mentions of "venti and tall" refers to the meaningless cup sizes originally introduced by coffeehouse chain Starbucks, and now in use by some other coffeehouse chains as well.