Dense chip

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Item Number: 1229
Description ID: 8268355
(view in-game)

dense chip
Plural: dense chips
This is what happens when someone goes through the desert (horse with no name optional) with a pocket full of large plax chips. Eventually, they get compressed into an ultra dense chip. They're dangerous objects, because if you go back to the desert with a pocket full of these chips, you run the risk of having the whole pile collapse in on itself. Best case you lose your chips, worse case you create a singularity.

So... um... don't go in the desert. And while you're at it, don't open the door, don't open the window, don't go near the park, and don't look in the basement.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 10,000
Item cannot be pulled while in a retcon run

How Obtained

Seedy Casinos
