Candy corn
This page contains some non specific data which NEEDS SPADING: range needs to be verified, per September 25, 2010 update |
candy corn
Plural: pieces of candy corn
The tendency to make candy things that look like other edible things that aren't candy is a confusing one. Candy pumpkins, for instance. Or bubblegum tacos, or the fruit-shaped runts, or honey-glazed ham. Well, maybe not the last one. Though it is delicious.
This particular candy is a large piece of candy corn. It's made of waxy, mostly flavorless colored sugar. As such, there's not much to recommend it, but some people seem to like it.
Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 2
Autosell value: 10
Contains sugar (1)
How Obtained
- Any combat
- Any combat
You stick the candy corn on one of your canines and pretend to be a one-fanged vampire. Having reached the extent of the options available to you, you eat the candy.
Bedtime: +?-10-11-? minutes |
Using multiple:
Using 2:
You stick the two pieces of corn on your canines and pretend to be a perfectly normal (orange-and-yellow-toothed) vampire. You contemplate how Twilight used to be the famed Sunset City until Stephenie Meyer made a scene, and now everybody assumes the town you love must have something to do with her books.
Bedtime: +20 minutes |
Using more:
You stick all the candy corn onto your teeth like some kind of crazy, multi-fanged vampire. You laugh at yourself. Nobody else really laughs with you, though, so you just eat the candy in silence.
Bedtime: +some minutes |
- Stephenie Meyer wrote the Twilight series of vampire books.