Just Deserts

From Twilight Heroes Wiki
Revision as of 22:26, 26 January 2008 by Missingno (talk | contribs) (I dunno if this is new or a rare or what, but I've adventured here for a while and just found this choice adventure for the first time.)

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Burned-car.jpg From the air you can reach farther into the desert than you ever have before. This perspective allows you to see all kinds of things that you've never noticed before, even in the dark. It's dim, but there's some ambient light from the city and night sky. You find yourself intribued by a strange circular crater near the base of an old volcano. In fact, is that a glint of metal? Could something have crashed there? The crater looks old--really old--but you decide to investigate it anyway.

It takes a while to track down the metal that you saw, and when you do you're disappointed to find that it's just the burnt-out shell of a car amid a pile of other litter. You pick up a loose hubcap, rotating it in your hands as you look around. Something still doesn't feel right about the crater; your sense of something out of place is jangling like a spider's web reacting to the footfall of an insect. You can't figure out what's bothering you, though.

See if there's anything good in the car.

'Hola' Is Spanish for Hello

The front of the car is pretty trashed, so you start with the trunk, which is mostly undamaged. You spend a minute prying it open but are disappointed to find that the inner contents are just a bunch of trash. You shuffle through the mound of old clothes and fast food wrappers, but there's nothing interesting there. Frustrated, you move to the back seat. It's coated in soot, but down by the floor there's a case. Hola? What's this? You open the case and find a very serious-looking projectile weapon.

You got an item: your little friend

Spend a few minutes cleaning up the area.

See how far you can toss the hubcap.

Encountered at Outskirts of Area 54