User talk:Kurg

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Revision as of 17:59, 29 December 2010 by Lxndr (talk | contribs)
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Are the skills you're reviewing also ones you've permed?

If not, could we see a list of skills you currently have?--Lxndr 08:31, 29 December 2010 (PST)

Not quite- most of the skills I'm 'reviewing' are permed ones, but there are 3 exception: Mystery/Vigor/Firestorm, for which I just looked at the numbers and compared them to other stuff - for example it's pretty clear to me Firestorm does amazing damage, Mystery can save PP and thus be cost effective, and that, while Vigor might be nice, it would usually be better to prevent damage(by dodging or winning faster)through Vim or Mystery

As for my perm list: sure, I'll add it soon. Eventually, I might put the skill review and permed list together(when I've permed all, maybe :) ) Kurg 09:01, 29 December 2010 (PST)

Awesome. Thanks much! --Lxndr 09:59, 29 December 2010 (PST)