Velocipede's toadstool

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Revision as of 17:36, 1 January 2011 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |descid=8879387 |itemid=1480 |name=velocipede's toadstool |plural=velocipede's toadstools |image=atri-digitizer.gif |desc=Toadstools are freaking everywhere in games. Mayb...")
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Item Number: 1480
Description ID: 8879387
(view in-game)

velocipede's toadstool
Plural: velocipede's toadstools
Toadstools are freaking everywhere in games. Maybe they're just easy to draw. Regardless, since they're everywhere, nobody thinks twice about them, which gives you the chance to STRIKE! Like a ninja! Or a creepy bug!

Comes from January 2011 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 5

How Obtained


When Used

You attach the toadstool to your wet sprocket and take off like a rocket. You get an effect, Max Velocipede. (Added for 60 minutes.)

Using multiple:
You attach the toadstools to your wet sprockets and take off like a rocket. You get an effect, Max Velocipede. (Added for some minutes.)