Mag-Wai warrior

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Go back to Sidekick/companion

Mag-Wai warrior

I can't find a sidekick of this type. (No description yet)

Level cap: 20

How Obtained

Full-time sidekick.
Obtained from: Tales of the Mag-Wai


Ability: Fire attacks


  • <name> fires a barrage of flaming arrows at your opponent, dealing X (fire) damage damage from the incendiary impact.
  • <name> fires a flaming arrow at your opponent, but the arrow goes wide and accidentally sets part of the background on fire. Like any conscientious sidekick would, <name> runs over and puts the fire out before any real damage is done.
  • A very cranky <name> is up way past his bedtime. Rather than helping you out, he shoots you with his flaming arrow, the little gremlin! You take Y (fire) damage damage.


  • Until 11:59 PM: Acts every round of combat, either hitting the enemy or missing
  • After 12:00 AM: Does not act every round, always attacks the player if s/he acts.
  • 3rd message assumes masculine sidekick, regardless of actual gender